Saturday, January 23, 2021

IS 101 First Impression

Saturday, January 23 

 Going into this class I  really didn't know what to expect, I had never taken a purely online class before that incorporated WebEx meetings with the classwork but surprisingly I have adjusted fairly well to the change. The professor is very interactive with each and every student and makes time to really get to know you which adds to the overall ease of the class. Knowing that you can reach out to your professor and hear back within the same day is a really reassuring feeling, to say the least. I don't anticipate having any real problems with the class or the assignments/test as I am (by my own accord) pretty proficient in the subjects that this class will cover, that's not to say that I won't learn anything new and be exposed to foreign concepts and ideas, just that I don't see myself struggling with the stuff that I do know as it should all just be refresher material. I am most excited about working and interacting with my fellow classmates and being able to meet new people and connect/network with them. And I guess one last thing as a shameless plug, feel free to follow my twitch @ it would mean a lot. I am working out new stream times as school has just started up for me but stay tuned to find out any schedule updates. Thank you for reading my first blog post. じゃあまたね!


  1. Glad to see you are feeling comfortable in IS101-2003, Spring 2021 :-)

    At least one of your classmates also uses Twitch.

    Hope you make meaningful connections in the class ^_^

  2. I absolutely agree with you on the aspect of Albert being very interactive and wanting to help and know his students. I've only had one other professor as invested as Albert in their students. Awesome that you're confident in the lessons we'll be learning in IS101, I look forward to working with you!

    1. Hi Ryan, do you mind to mention the name of the other professor who was devoted to help students as much please? I have great respect for these generous instructors who go beyond and above to make difference on our lives.

  3. Also, I would give a follow you on Twitch, but I unfortunately do not have an account with Twitch:/ Props to marketing your account though!

  4. Welcome to your first true online course! It definitely takes some getting used to especially if you do not live alone or can't go to a library or cafe for the study vibe. The only thing I know about Twitch is that I can watch gamers' streams. I think it's incredibly awesome!

  5. Nice to meet you Caleb! And I agree that I felt such a huge relief in knowing that Mr. Wu takes the time to help guide, and address each student on an individual basis. Especially with this being my first year in college, and doing an online class. Twitch is all new to me, and I'll surely take a look into it :) Stay safe!

  6. OMG you stream too?! I sent you a follow :) What kind of content do you normally stream? I normally stream Valorant, League of Legends, or TFT.

  7. I agree with you, Professor Wu, goes on and beyond with helping his students. First professor I have that has been up to almost midnight to help me. I really appreciate that!

  8. I love a good shameless plug. Although I don't play video games like that I do actually watch some streamers. Did you start playing video games more once quarantine hit or have you always enjoyed them?

  9. As much as I prefer in-person classes over online classes, Professor Wu makes this class enjoyable for me. I never looked forward to attending or doing work during my last semesters online classes, but so far I find myself doing all of my work early and on time in this class.

  10. Yes, Mr Wu has made it very easy to access him and available to help us throughout the class, definetely moreso than other professors I've had. Well, as long as you play good games, I don't mind watching you a bit, ofcourse.

  11. "Shameless plug" ! I loved it :)

  12. I don't think any plug is shameless you have to get yourself out there. I am an avid gamer, but have not signed up for a twitch account. Now I have a reason to.

  13. I'm sorry I tried reading your post but the white on white made it hard for me.It may also be my old age that won't allow me to see lol.

  14. Yea, I have also been able to adjust to online classes really easily, however I think I would learn more in a physical class. I am also a big gamer myself, but I could never get myself to do live streams.
