Thursday, January 28, 2021

My goals and interest

 Thursday, January 28, 2021

Second blog post, I don't really know what to put for this one so I guess I'll talk about my goals and dreams after I graduate. Ultimately I want to become a video game writer, it's pretty much the job of a screenwriter but for video games. I have long had a talent and a passion for both writing and video games, some of my fondest memories as a kid were playing and experiencing video games. My love for them only grew as time went on and being such I decided that I would make it my career, so I did what anyone would do and I started trying to make my own game. I am still in the process of doing so but I am going to school to learn the skills and earn the certifications to eventually put me in the position to line up that perfect job as a video game writer. In my free time I write, A LOT. I finished writing a book that was supposed to be for my now ex-girlfriend that I still take great pride in. I would like to maybe one day publish it as a final dig to her after it becomes a New York Times Best Seller or something. In the meantime, I will continue writing and educating myself more and more about gaming so that one day maybe even you, yes you the reader, maybe playing one of my games. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

IS 101 First Impression

Saturday, January 23 

 Going into this class I  really didn't know what to expect, I had never taken a purely online class before that incorporated WebEx meetings with the classwork but surprisingly I have adjusted fairly well to the change. The professor is very interactive with each and every student and makes time to really get to know you which adds to the overall ease of the class. Knowing that you can reach out to your professor and hear back within the same day is a really reassuring feeling, to say the least. I don't anticipate having any real problems with the class or the assignments/test as I am (by my own accord) pretty proficient in the subjects that this class will cover, that's not to say that I won't learn anything new and be exposed to foreign concepts and ideas, just that I don't see myself struggling with the stuff that I do know as it should all just be refresher material. I am most excited about working and interacting with my fellow classmates and being able to meet new people and connect/network with them. And I guess one last thing as a shameless plug, feel free to follow my twitch @ it would mean a lot. I am working out new stream times as school has just started up for me but stay tuned to find out any schedule updates. Thank you for reading my first blog post. じゃあまたね!